-Green Revolution is related to increase in production of food grain.
-Developement of high yielding varieties of cereals grains, expansion of irrigation infrastructure, modernisation of management techniques Distribution of hybrid seeds, syanthetic fertilizers and pesticides to farmers
- Father of Green revolution in world:- Dr N.E. Borlaug
- Father of Green revolution in India:- Dr M.S. Swaminathan
- Father of Green revolution in Maharashtra:- Vasantrao Naik
-Term Green revolution coined by :- William Gaud
-India adopted IR-8 semidwarf rice variety developed by the international rice research institute
-IR-8 is variey of rice know as miracle rice of world
- Crops responsible for green Revolution:- Wheat, Rice, Jawar, Bajara, Maize,
-Crop responsible for green Revolution in Maharashtra is Sorghum
Merits of Green revolution
- The Production of grain (1967-68) were higher than 1965-66
- India became an exporter and complete self sufficiency was attined
- Increased employment and increased income among the agricultural laborer and small farmers
- Regional and interstate disparities
- Problem of soil fertility
-Increased dependance on fertilizer
-Improper application of pesticides caused poisoning
-Down the prices of food grain which very much affect small farmers
- increased cost of cultivation
Compiled by
M.D. Gadakh
Msc ( Agri)
MPKV Rahuri
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